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  • Writer's pictureMartin Kroupa t/a Czechmate Pest Control & Czm8

Injury, Trauma, and Terror in Scotland

Updated: Mar 10, 2022

Gruesome April

My injury exactly 1 month after the accident in Saltcoats GP practice
My injury exactly 1 month after the accident in Saltcoats GP practice

Most unexpected, a serious accident at work happened to me by falling off the roof in Clarkston, Glasgow on the 21st April. Luckily, I didn't snap my neck on hitting the gravel path below me for I had put my left arm in the front of my head. My left arm had taken all the impact but it's kind of difficult to describe what it looked like – After I rolled myself to a more "comfortable" position I only could take a short glance of my injury so I wouldn't fall into a shock straight away, before the ambulance that my colleague phoned would arrive. My forearm ended with 2 bare bones sticking out in a V-shape, torn skin and some small bones that came out of the now missing wrist were lying scattered around the dirty gravel path and lawn. It's hardly possible to describe my feelings when I saw my hand detached, it lying a half-foot away from my forearm, with the wrist missing. To cut this gruesome story short, ambulance was called. A paramedic arrived in 20 minutes followed by an A&E ambulance some 15 minutes later. My special thanks go to a lady nurse who said had seen my fall out of her window across the road and came to help stop heavy bleeding from my injury. After the initial shock when my body produced adrenalin that suppressed the pain, the pain suddenly came in to be felt like hell. Morphine administered by the paramedic wasn't enough to make it more bearable until he decided to administer Ketamine as an ultimate resort. The ambulance took me to the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Govan with the diagnosis of a complete compound fracture of the left hand. Despite the odds of the prognosis were 50% for amputation, orthopedic surgeon Mr Angus Arthur and plastic surgeon Neil Fairbairn and their medical team together managed to reconstruct most of my arm as much as they could. I'd love to express my gratitude to them if they happen to read this. Thank you both and the NHS team!

The plate inside holds my hand steady - 1 month after accident
The plate inside holds my hand steady - 1 month after accident

There had been a small hiccup – I didn't regain consciousness in a hospital bed but woke up on a trolley parked behind a line of other trolleys in the hospital corridor 4 hours after the accident and had to get myself up and staggered like a zombie to find the doctors. As I have said, this had a happy end when I found doctors Angus Arthur and Neil Fairbairn who then took me to an operation theatre within about a half-hour and professionally fixed up my injury. Well, it was still to take 3 more surgeries over a fortnight of my hospitalization while the diagnosis was changed to trauma and a complete compound fracture of hand.

Meanwhile, back home in Stevenston, North Ayrshire

My colleague notified my family about the accident the same afternoon and they of course feared for my life. Difficult to say what my 8-year old autistic daughter Sophie had thought about it as she can't speak much for herself due to her autism but it was clear that my 9-year-old son Martin who suffers from ADHD syndrome disorder was very distressed about it and found it extremely hard to cope with the stressful situation. It was so sad that in the school (Hayocks Base in Stevenston, North Ayrshire) my son was at that time attending the teachers and the headteacher Ms Penelope McCann did not give a fig about his mental health and, on the contrary, they ramped up their attempts of disciplining him and finally excluded him from the school for misbehavior before I even got out of the hospital.

Traumatic May

Thanks to my missus Jarmila Kapustova, it was possible for me to get discharged from the hospital early. She took care of me at home when I could hardly move myself having no movement in the fingers of my left hand that has now been re-attached to my forearm with a half-foot long metal plate inside it and a foot-long of missing skin on my thigh that had been used by the surgeons to replace completely destroyed skin on my left wrist and forearm.

This video was taken on 20 May in Kilmarnock Premier Inn - that much range of movement in my fingers I could get 8 days after I allegedly "hammered punches" by this hand into my son Martin

6 days out of the hospital, this was a very hot sunny day on the 12 May - my family including myself and our Jack Russell Terrier Brok went by my car to a beach in nearby Ardrossan. For me to relax and so to help my recovery and for the kids to let out excess energy, especially Martin Jnr was very anxious as he had been excluded from his school at that time. Unfortunately, on arrival at the beach car park next to the children's playground in Ardrossan, we had to turn back when junior had one of his tantrums associated with his ADHD mental health issue. I never even got out of our car at that time but we noticed there were a couple of junkies smoking cannabis in a small car parked next to our Zafira, right next to the children's playground.

The exact location of my alleged assault as could have been seen by an onlooker that would mainly see herself or himself like in the mirror
The exact location of my alleged assault as could have been seen by an onlooker that would mainly see herself or himself like in a mirror

At around 10 at night, there came banging on our house door and my partner Jarmila went to answer the door as I was unable so having just come (with her help) out of the shower. 8 police officers burst in and (an ex-community cop) PC Chris Poulter went on to our bedroom to arrest me. No questions were asked but threats were uttered by PC Poulter that he would use force if I don't go with them immediately. My son was sitting on the sofa in our living room but the police didn't care about him. Later in Saltcoats police station, I was informed the police had arrested me for allegedly assaulting him! Seemingly, the police had a report from 2 members of the public that read: "....I was attracted to the accused's car for a man inside shouting with a foreign accent and then I saw him hammering punches to a boy on the back seat ..." Note the arresting police from Saltcoats knew the alleged victim was sitting in our living room but they didn't bother to check out whether he had any injuries at all, or perhaps, whether he was not in urgent need of medical help if I "hammered punches" into him. To cut this episode of the drama short, it has been later confirmed that my son had no unexplained injuries at all. However, the fact that there wasn't a victim or that the alleged victim of my alleged assault had no injuries and denied to have been assaulted, the police in Saltcoats continued to charge me with assaulting him and the Procurator Fiscal in Kilmarnock raised official charges against me in Kilmarnock Sheriff Court the next day. The trauma I had suffered from my injury in Glasgow was bad but I can assure you that the trauma I have got from this was much worse.

The Summer of Terror

In pain (for medical help was denied to me) I pled not guilty in front of the Sheriff the next day, on 13 May 2021. My NOT guilty plea was accepted by the Sheriff and I got released on bail. However, in the rush of my arrest the night before, I had not picked up my wallet nor my mobile phone, and neither the police informed my partner about a court the next day so I had to walk in my poor medical condition for endless 7 miles to my friend's house near Symington to get helped.

Banned to come home and prohibited entry to the primary place of my business by the devolved Scottish Justice

(1st photograph) Playtime with Sophie at Adamton Country House 6 June 2021

(2nd photograph) Despite the odds were against my family, Sophie's enjoyed playtime with her dad at Adamton Country House 26 May

(3rd photograph) 19 May - playtime with my daughter Sophie at Kilmarnock Premier Inn

It felt better now to be out of the local police jail but there was an attachment to my bail – the special bail conditions prohibited me from returning to my home as well as from contact with my son. My friends let me couching for a couple of days in their house but because they did not have a spare bedroom to put me up I had to move to a hotel. I missed one hospital appointment for a check-up because of the Poileas on the 13 May but I could not afford to miss any more because my health condition could have really deteriorated. In the months to follow - June, July and August, I had to stay in various hotels across Ayrshire; starting with Kilmarnock Premier Inn, then Adamton Country House near Monkton, Marina View Guest House in Irvine, Travelodge in Kilmarnock, Portmann Hotel in Kilmarnock and Douglas Hotel in Kilmarnock. If it were on a better occasion, I would say that the Marina View Guest House in Irvine, North Ayrshire is a good place for a holiday and would recommend it to you.

Marina View Guest House, Irvine
Marina View Guest House, Irvine

I managed to secure a criminal lawyer to defend me in Kilmarnock Sheriff Court – Mr Matthew Berlow. He seemed to have been making his best efforts but all that we achieved was that the Sheriff - Ms Elizabeth McFarlene at an intermediate diet in June allowed me to visit my external business premises outside my home in Stevenston between 9 am and 10 am and between 2 pm and 4 pm and the Social Work of North Ayrshire Council was eventually allowed to authorize me contact with my son; however, the Social Work of NAC, represented by senior manager of the Child Protection Team Ms Margaret Paterson, refused.

Meanwhile in the North Ayrshire Council

For those that do not know North Ayrshire or the local authority – this is the 5th most deprived council area in Scotland. Despite I was known NOT to ever touch my children in any wrong way, the social work of North Ayrshire Council refused to authorize me any contact with my 9-year-old son for another 2 months while my son was vehemently saying that I have never physically chastised him and that I certainly did not ever beat him up.

Please let me jump back in time – My son Martin Jnr, although he still hasn't got a suitable school placement should be going to primary 5 now. We (his parents) noticed there was an issue with his mental health 3 years ago and requested specialist help from the Ayrshire & Arran NHS but are still waiting for an appointment with CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) to no avail. In the meantime, he missed at least one third of his education time for unfair exclusions from school.

Now, please let me rewind fast forward – I appealed his last exclusion from school in May this year on the basis that the local school (administered and regulated by the North Ayrshire Council) acted unlawfully - contrary to the Equality Act 2010. The Education Appeal Committee has upheld my appeal earlier this month on the basis that his exclusion from school was, indeed, discriminative; although that the choice of school in which we parents had been given no say was wrong. Kids in Scotland have been back to school over a week ago by now but we have been left with no other option but to home-school our son because of the previous NAC local authority failures so we (parents) can avoid further damage to his education and mental health.

Back to my "criminal" case

(1st photograph) 28 August - back home & supporting my son Martin during playtime

(2nd photograph) Martin Jnr with our Jack Russell Terrier Brok

(3rd photograph) My kids playing together at home

(4th photograph) Family day out yesterday - Martin Jnr in the pic

My defence lawyer Mr Matthew Berlow in my "criminal" trial at the Kilmarnock Sheriff Court on 8 July proved that it could not have been possible for prosecution witnesses (both of Ayrshire's Three Towns) Demi Orr and Michelle Mathieson to see the alleged assault happening (inside my car) once it was established from where and how the witnesses were supposed to watch it. Sheriff Elizabeth McFarlene decided to deny physical laws and ruled a guilty verdict over me anyway. A peculiarity in it is that she maintained my special bail conditions for another month until she suddenly changed her view on it by deciding not to pass any sentence at the sentencing diet on 5 August but lifted the special bail conditions as if I was no longer a risk to assault my son further had she believed herself that I was guilty of assaulting him in the first place. Sheriff McFarlene then deferred sentence until the 2 September to be after a Children Panel Hearing that is scheduled for 8 September (not a typo!). Doing so the Scottish justice has dealt a deadly blow to my own business – by inflicting an undue loss of over £20k, at the time when the devolved Scottish government claimed to be helping Scottish businesses to recover from the Covid crisis and related government-imposed restrictions.

It may be possible that the Scottish devolved justice has NOT, in this case, respected the Human Rights such as Article 8 ECHR: Respect for private and family life that has been enshrined into the UK domestic law.

By Martin Kroupa

Published on 30 August 2021

Update on 5 December 2021

Although so far I haven't resolved the false allegation against me with the police and Scottish devolved Justice, I have recently won an Education Appeal Committee against my son's exclusion from school, came out of a Children Reporter hearing without any mandatory order or measure for me or my children and finally, I have got both my kids off the North Ayrshire Council social work "Child Protection Register". My complaint about the police has been underway since June. By the Glasgow Police Standards, its investigation has been delayed for allocating their available resources to Cop 26 conference.

My son now goes to a new school where the staff don't discriminate against him for having special education needs. He loves his new school and I don't any longer have to do his home tuition. Hence it was possible I could resume pest control service for my customers and clients at the current time.

Update on 27 February 2022

PSD (Police Standards Department) West have responded with their final reply on 22 December 2021:

Mr Kroupa,

A letter addressing your complaints was sent to you on the 14 December 2021, if you have not received this letter I can arrange for a copy to be sent via e-mail. If on receipt of this letter you are dissatisfied with the way in which your complaint was handled it provides you with contact details for the Police Investigations and Review Commissioner.

I would ask that you refrain for referring to police officers as 'perverts' in any future correspondence.


Sgt H500 Stirling


Professional Standards Department

Police Scotland

Clyde Gateway


As this last communication, indeed, contains a threat (highlighted above in the text) to me and my family, I had to stop communicating with them. Please note that the spelling mistakes in the email I received from Police Scotland are authentic.

UPDATE on 10 March 2022 @ 15:39

You can read another article on my blog to see what had preceded:

And this article throws more light onto dodgy dealings of some of the Scottish government's fully devolved institutions and agencies:

Thanks for taking the time to read my article. We would appreciate it greatly if you could donate any amount of money to help crowdfund my appeal to the Scottish High Court.

Martin Kroupa

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